The Tutors’ Association (TTA) is the only significant professional association representing the tuition sector in the UK. TTA represents both individual tutors and tuition companies of all sizes and business models and levels of experience. TTA members agree to adhere to a rigorous code of practice, enforced by a disciplinary process.
John joined The Tutors’ Association as one of its first members in late 2013, shortly after its foundation. Since then, he has been an active member, delivering talks and seminars at various events and conferences. In 2019 John was elected to the board of directors, subsequently being elected Vice President in February 2020 and President in June 2020. John led the tuition sector’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic, including extensive engagement with government, civil servants and NGOs.
Amongst tuition sector professionals within the UK, few individuals have comparable breadth of experience of the sector and the challenges and opportunities facing it.
The National Tutoring Programme (NTP)
John has been heavily involved in engaging with tuition companies, government, government contractors and the press regarding the NTP, in both Phase 1 and Phase 2. As a consequence, he has had a unique insight into the nature of the NTP and the opportunities, risks and challenges involved.
Tuition Sector Regulation
The tuition sector is subject to a number of regulations, most of which were not designed with their consequences on the tuition sector in mind. Every decision around how a tuition business of any size is structured and operated can give rise to complex consequences as a result of the rules and regulations surrounding taxation, employment law and the operation of employment agencies or similar businesses.
John has been closely involved with managing the challenges facing the tuition sector and understands the implications and risks well. In addition to this, John is at the forefront of proposing and implementing sector-wide solutions to ongoing challenges within the industry.
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