by John Nichols | Sep 27, 2019 | Parents, Secondary School
As the third full week of the new school term draws to a close, you will probably have a good idea now as to whether or not your child has begun to settle into their new school. Children face many challenges when they start a new school, and perhaps, as parents, we...
by John Nichols | Sep 20, 2019 | Parents, Secondary School
The Autumn Term is generally the longest term of the school year, and apart from the 11+ exams, it’s generally quite ‘revision-free’ until the approach to any mock exams in the New Year. So, how can you motivate your child and help them succeed as the evenings get...
by John Nichols | Aug 20, 2018 | Parents, Secondary School, Students
It may be that the summer holidays are coming to an end or perhaps you have just finished SATs and you can almost see the end of Year 6 approaching; you might be already in Year 7 or even only beginning Year 6. It doesn’t matter because having worries about what is to...